Alice Threw The Looking Glass

A Parody of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style


“Does the deca-size of my kilo-suffixes give you a joltism of super-surprise?”

Based on the terse style manual by Strunk and White and drawing inspiration from Lewis Carroll, this play explores the fantasy world of language in all its grotesque mutations. When Alice, a first-year college student, is pulled into the hallucinatory world of her composition paper, she has to navigate through a wonderland of style to find her own voice.

The Scotsman

“An inspired take on Alice in Wonderland…The world of words has never been so interesting—or indeed amusing—as our young heroine is led through a mysterious land filled with nouns, adjectives and passive tenses. Surprisingly addictive viewing.”

Cast Requirements

8 minimum, 30 maximum , all genders, shapes, sizes

Set Description

Inside Alice’s assay essay.


90 minutes



Craving Gravy or Love the Time of Cannibalism


Aisle 17B